Eligibility Requirements


Before applying, please review our eligibility requirements to determine if you’re eligible. In order to be considered, you must meet our basic requirements:

  • You must be a public charity recognized as tax-exempt under section 501(c)3 of the Internal
  • Revenue Code and in good standing.
  • Currently in a positive financial standing (e.g. does not have consecutive years of net losses nor significant operating or cumulative deficit, etc.)

The Walters Family Foundation will not consider funding individuals, government agencies, loans, political campaigns, endowments, legislative lobbying efforts or any entities outside of the USA.

Any individuals or organizations outside of the United States who seek funds for any need will not receive a response to any inquiries. Only those USA nonprofit organizations who properly complete the Application Process will be eligible for an invitation to apply for a grant.  Grant requests that are submitted without an invitation from the Walters Family Foundation will not be considered.

Submit a Letter of Interest


Before you apply, please ensure that you review our requirements to determine your eligibility. If your nonprofit organization meets our eligibility requirements, please fill out the form below, taking care to include the following:

  • A one-page description of your organization and how the Walters Family Foundation can partner with you to help advance your organization’s goals
  • Include the Grant Request amount and how it will be used. If this Grant Amount is not included, disqualification will result!
  • A financial statement (profit and loss)
  • Do NOT include in a Letter of Interest your Form 990 or any Audit Reports
  • Annual organizational budget
  • IRS Determination Letter

Letters of Interest are accepted and reviewed throughout the year. Once reviewed, you may be invited to submit an application via email. Due to an overwhelming number of inquiries, the Foundation will not respond to any communication regarding an organization’s application status prior to the scheduled board meetings in January and July. The Foundation will not accept Letters of Interest sent to the mailing address; all letters of interest must be sent through the web form below.

  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 188 MB.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 188 MB.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 188 MB.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 188 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Submit a Formal Application


Should your organization receive an invitation to apply by email, please be prepared to include the following with your formal application:

  • Printed on your organization’s letterhead (no more than a 2-pages), a description of your organization, desired funding amount, what the funds will be used for, what are the desired outcomes, and who is writing the letter. Include all appropriate contact information (emails, phone numbers, and mailing address)
  • An updated financial statement (profit and loss)
  • An updated annual organizational budget
  • The most recent 990 tax form
  • The contact information of all those operating the organization

Application Deadlines

If you receive an invitation to submit an application, you must provide it by one of two deadlines, in advance of our regularly scheduled Board Meetings: January 15th or July 15th. Due to an overwhelming number of inquiries, the Foundation will not respond to communication regarding application status prior to the scheduled board meeting.